Canon Eos M50 II vs Canon Eos 90d: Which is better?

Although we’re used to seeing mirrorless cameras with more sophisticated back displays than DSLRs, or at the very least screens with a greater range of motions, the tables have been turned here. Despite the fact that both cameras feature a 3-inch 1.04M dot touchscreen display, the EOS M6 Mark II’s is on a tilting hinge, however it can be flipped 180 degrees so that it can be used for selfies and vlogging while the camera is facing front. On the other hand, the EOS 90D includes a fully articulated vari-angle display that can be adjusted in almost any orientation, even sideways, to suit your shooting style. If you’d like to compare and contrast the differences and similarities of various camera models, just type the model name into the search boxes provided below. As an alternative, you may immediately go to any one of the comparisons that were previously created by the CAM-parator tool by selecting the link in the comparison list.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II Canon EOS 90D

Before proceeding to a more in-depth comparison, the following is a succinct summary of how the 90D compares to the M50 II in terms of portability, imaging, features, and overall performance. When compared to contrast detection autofocus systems, phase detection autofocus systems are far quicker. When filming scenarios with a lot of quick motion, the movies remain crisp and clear. Due to the fact that phase-detection autofocus is substantially quicker than contrast detection autofocus, clearer photographs may be captured. If you’re looking for something a little different from your camera, there are several excellent options. The Sony a6100 and Sony ZV-E10, which are designed specifically for vlogging, are a little more expensive, but they provide superior 4K and access to a larger library of lenses designed specifically for mirrorless cameras.

Canon EOS 90D

Canon Eos M50 II vs Canon Eos 90d: Which is better?

Before we get into our more in-depth comparison of the Canon M50 II and Canon 90D, let’s take a quick glance at the primary characteristics of both cameras. It should come as no surprise that the EOS 90D is much larger than the EOS M6 Mark II. The M6 Mark II may theoretically fit into your coat pocket; the EOS 90D, on the other hand, would not. On the other hand, if you’re shooting with longer or heavier lenses, you may like the increased grip and balance that the DSLR body provides. It’s another another victory for the EOS 90D – or, depending on how you look at it, the EOS M6 Mark II – in the Canon system. The Canon EOS 90D is natively compatible with the whole Canon EF-S and EF-S II lens lineup.

As a general rule, the larger the sensor, the higher the quality of the images captured. The following side-by-side comparison demonstrates the physical dimensions and weight of the Canon 90D and the Canon M50 Mark II cameras, respectively. The two cameras are given in the order in which they are most closely related in size. Three sequential views are displayed, one from the front, one from the top, and one from the rear side. All width, height, and depth measurements are given to the nearest millimeter unless otherwise stated. It is the width to height ratio of the photographs that were taken “straight out of the camera.”

There are no differences between the Canon EOS 90D and the Canon EOS M6 since both cameras employ the same 32.5MP APS-C CMOS sensor. This is much higher than the next-highest resolution APS-C cameras from Fujifilm, the 26MP X-T3 and the X-T30, and far higher than the vast majority of the APS-C camera field, which has a resolution of 24MP. The Canon M50 Mark II is compatible with the Canon CameraConnect app, which is available as a free download for Android and iOS devices. Using the app, you may email photographs to your smartphone or tablet for immediate social media sharing.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II Canon EOS 90D

In addition, the camera includes an eye-level viewfinder, which is a must-have for many photographers. It seems to be somewhat larger to the eye than the 0.51x optical finder found in Canon’s Rebel SLRs; the M50’s 2.4-million-dot viewfinder is slightly larger, 0.62x, and in line with other cameras in the same price range as the Rebel. When it comes to EVF size, the Fujifilm X-T30 is identical to the Sony a6100, however the Sony a6100 has a lower-resolution (1.4 million dots) that seems a bit bigger to the naked eye (0.70x).

When the Canon Eos 90d and Canon Eos Canon EOS 90D vs Canon EOS M50 Mark II M50 II are compared to their competitors, the results are as follows:

Canon EOS M50 Mark II

In addition, both cameras include Fully Articulating displays that can be adjusted in order to make shooting from waist or over the head levels more convenient. Screens with full articulation are also handy for shooting Selfie photos and recording video. In comparison, the EOS 90D can get an incredible 1,300 photos out of its LP-E6N battery, whilst the EOS M6 Mark II can only get 305 shots out of its LP-E17 battery. For still photography, the EOS 90D will last more than four times as long on a single charge as the EOS 70D (we’d assume the same for video, to be fair). Jim Fisher is a senior analyst at PCMag who focuses on cameras, drones, and digital photography. As a staff photographer for more than a decade at PCMag, he has evaluated hundreds of pieces of photographic equipment, ranging from quick cameras to high-end SLRs and lenses used for reporting and on the sidelines.

Canon EOS 90D vs Canon EOS M50 Mark II

A wealth of additional information on the two cameras (including user guides and manuals) and their accompanying accessories can be found on the Canon official website. The maximum number of photographs that may be captured on a single charge of the battery. The portability scores of the 90D and M50 II are 60 and 79, respectively, based on their physical size and weight. The gallery photos for the Canon EOS 90D and Canon EOS M50 Mark II are shown here as a sneak peek. The whole collection of galleries may be found at the Canon 90D Gallery and the Canon M50 II Gallery. It provides faster transmission rates, increased dependability, and lower power usage..

Loreen Bachman
Author: Loreen Bachman

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